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The Fusion Office: Hospitality, Residential and Retail-Inspired Workplaces

RSP designer Katie Engelby RID, LEED AP explains the hospitality, residential and retail influences that are changing the workplace and what it means for the future of the office.
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Experiential Design: Art as Narrative

RSP designer and artist Liz Taylor illustrates how she uses art and experiential design to help clients and communities break away from the generic and dive into storytelling.
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People-Driven Alternate Workspaces

RSP’s Dawn Brown AIA, LEED AP and Christine Shaw NCIDQ, LEED AP, WELL AP say that people are the most important “amenity,” whether working from traditional offices or alternate workspaces.
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Customer Experience: Emphasizing the Human in the Age of the Artificial

After all we’ve been through, could HI (Human Interaction) be the antidote for AI (Artificial Intelligence) when it comes to great customer experience? RSP’s Thom Lasley is ready to storm the barricades.
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Designing a Better Future for the Workplace

RSP’s Jeremi Van Wave explains how design, architecture and strategy are supporting sustainability, wellness and ESG efforts around the world and a brighter future for the workplace.
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A Pragmatic Approach to Adaptive Reuse

Adaptive reuse and smart renovation are better for the environment and communities. The UMR Student Life Center is a case in point.
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Combining History and Tech in Higher Education Design

Neal Cross AIA, NCARB explains how mixing the old with the innovative takes careful planning and a deep understanding of design. Making it happen on a university campus adds a twist to the challenge.
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