RSP Releases First Annual Sustainability Report

The national architecture practice delivers updates on 2030 goals and the company’s plans for a more sustainable future.
RSP Architects has published the company’s first annual sustainability progress report. The report details the practice’s progress on goals for the AIA 2030 Challenge, proposes strategies going forward, and catalogs some of RSP’s most innovative recent work.
“We see where the future is leading. We know we need to continue thinking differently about how design can help mitigate the effects of climate change. This report is not the first step on our path toward a greater focus on resilient design, but it is the first time we have codified all our efforts in one place,” says David Norback AIA, CEO of RSP.
From The Beam on Farmer in Tempe, AZ to the Moxy Hotel in Oakland, CA to the SunOpta Global Headquarters in Eden Prairie, MN, RSP has been behind the design for a number of innovative projects over the past year.
“The impact that architecture and design can have on the environment is undeniable, both good and bad,” says Joe Tyndall AIA, NCARB, Principal at RSP. “We have been implementing more sustainable strategies for years, but now we can benchmark and measure our progress, year over year, with specific objectives.”
Click the image below to download RSP’s 2022 Sustainability Progress Report.