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Crowd Simulations in Architectural Research: How the Latest Data Collection Tools are Making Architecture Smarter

RSP’s Derek McCallum and University of Minnesota master’s student Mariangel Meza are unlocking the potential of crowd simulations, paving the way for a more data-driven, user-focused approach to architecture. Architects have long relied on experience, intuition, and user feedback to shape the built environment. But what if high-tech design tools could add a new dimension […]
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AI and Design: Through the Looking Glass

RSP’s Victor Irizarry addresses the pros, cons and implications of the evolving relationship between AI and design. *Pictured: Left: Hand-drawn sketch, created in 15 minutes. Right: Chat GPT 4o rendering based on Victor’s sketch with new concept, created in one minute. “Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”― Lewis Carroll The intersection of […]
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The Power of Imagination: Storytelling, Drawing and Architecture

From the Cave of Altamira to the latest viral TikTok, storytelling is at the core of who we are as humans. While most people rely on words, Victor Irizarry uses pen and ink (and lately pixels) as his medium, creating deceptively complex stories in a simple graphic expression. Over the years, as a practitioner and […]
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